An Innovative Learning System with Robotics Curriculum and Video content that Scaffold the Original Project Creation Process
PR2 at The Tech Museum
Sharon fostered a collaboration between Willow Garage and The Tech Museum by working with Willow Garage to create a PR2 exhibit. I led the project and helped to design the software that visitors of all ages used to successfully program the robot.
Wizbots is a creative robotics program for kids. I began as one of the first teachers for the program, then became Director of Education as I created lesson plans, hired, and trained teachers. Then I became Executive Director of the business, opened and renovated a center in Belmont, created summer camp programs and collaborated with various schools.
Purde Pete Coin Bank
Designed “Purdue Pete” coin bank with a four bar mechanism that holds the quarter until knob is turned was created. Model created with Pro/Engineer, and prototyped with SLA.
Inspiration Cards
Click to get brainstorming ideas for a new robot invention
Mom Cards
Click to get a new suggestion on how to make your day better
Soapy Saves the Day
Won most creative in Stanford's Entrepreneurship Week Competition.
Prompt: Use a water bottle creatively
Money Munchers
Won "Silly and Sweet" in Stanford's Entprepreneurship Week Competition. Also featured by Instructables. Prize was breakfast with Guy Kawasaki.
Prompt: Make saving money fun
The Mixer Tables
Sharon had a "Wild and Crazy Idea", and proposed it to the CTO. Project at Air Products to create a friendlier, more integrated atmosphere. Led diverse team from different departments to organize company-wide event in order to collaboratively paint tables. Currently implemented at the headquarters, and global locations. Project received Diversity Award, and I received a Technology Leadership Award from the CTO for “taking ownership, accomplishing project, and breaking barriers”.
Toyota Manufacturing
Ergonomic Project- Improved ergonomic condition for workers on press. Reduced stresses on hand with more ergonomic tool design.
Process Mapping- Changed process from a painstakingly handwritten and manual process to an electronic database that takes less time to input data, organizes information, and error proofs process. Designed and implemented database at facility.
So-Lo CruizR
An innovative and intuitive lean steering personal transportation device used for personal enjoyment by having riders “so low” to the ground to feel they are moving fast. The So-Lo CruizR is structurally supported by a car differential to allow users a full experience of digging into the turns. The vehicle is electric powered complete with a separate throttle for the left and right back wheels, a braking system, comfortable racing seat, and a strong frame for the safety of the user. Team conceived idea, designed, manufactured and tested product. Sharon was project leader for this Senior Design project completed May 2007.